Remember when it was socially acceptable to copy and paste an IM conversation in a way which implied it should be mysterious and illuminating to yourself and others?
ME: you know what it is
it's this
I know what I love doing in this life: writing, acting, and performing comedy
but I've always figured, those things are so amazingly fun
EVERYONE must want to do them
and if everyone wants to do them, then of course I'm not special for wanting to do them too
so instead of pursuing it, I assume everyone must want to do it, so what makes me special for wanting to do it too
so I dont
and I'm doing this corporate thing because a) it pays bills and b) I figure I have to put in the time to do it
I have to know what its like to live in an office
to work in one, freudian slip
but you know what I mean
[Friend]: trust me i know plenty of people who dont want to do those things. I think the word special in general is over used. The stars were not named after us, but that doesnt mean we cant pursue what we want
Sent at 12:36 AM on Tuesday
me: that's poetry
Also, so nobody thinks I'm boring, here's some scenes from Whose Line is it Anyway? a show which in many ways, I find more relevant to doing improv then 30 Rock. Blasphemous I know.
Breaking the Silence
1 month ago
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